On the Science of Changing Sex

I’m Sad Today – My High School Friend “Beep” Is Dead

Posted in Autobiographical by Kay Brown on June 17, 2024

I’ve alluded to Beep (for B.P.) in a number of my autobiographical remarks. Beep was a close friend in high school. She remained so since then. She was kind and smart. Her mother was a physicist and a role model for the girls in our crowd. Beep studied mathematics and was a technologist in Silicon Valley. She was into sci-fi, cosplay, and horror make-up. She will be missed.

Funny story: decades ago, we had both dated the same boy from our school, not at the same time of course… he treated us both badly afterwards. When I related my experience to her, she said, “Eww yes! He’s a pig!” Old friends are a treasure.

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